Anchor Baptist Missions International (ABMI) is a ministry of the Anchor Baptist Church in Pisgah Forest, NC. ABMI was founded as a mission agency in 1997 for the sole purpose of meeting the needs of missionaries. We are
dedicated to helping with logistical support for missionaries around the globe. As a local church ministry, we understand the biblical authority of the local church. For this reason, we believe that every missionary is accountable first and foremost to their local church and pastor. We also understand not every church has the ability and resources necessary to get their missionary family to the field and support them logistically while they are there. ABMI is designed to work as the middleman to assist the local church as they do all they can to support their missionary. ABMI is a ministry and a labor of love and accepts no fees nor commissions for the services we provide. The missionary receives 100% of all support designated for them.
An additional objective is to provide emotional support after the missionary arrives on the field. One way to do this is through personal visits from the Pastor, Missions Director, or other ABMI representatives. During these visits, the missionary's needs are observed and then reported to supporting churches who can then come along side of the missionary in supplying these needs.
Tools are often a commodity we find that we can provide to the missionary which, in turn enables him to better serve his people and give out the Gospel more efficiently. Through the help of God's people, ABMI has been privileged to provide items such as vans, cars, motorcycles, boats, sound systems, and even radio stations. Finances have been raised to buy properties and build churches as well. Through the help of our publishing ministry, we are able to help supply missionaries with scripture portions and tracts as they continue to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ in their field.
COPIED FROM: Anchor Baptist Missions International (abminternational.org)
dedicated to helping with logistical support for missionaries around the globe. As a local church ministry, we understand the biblical authority of the local church. For this reason, we believe that every missionary is accountable first and foremost to their local church and pastor. We also understand not every church has the ability and resources necessary to get their missionary family to the field and support them logistically while they are there. ABMI is designed to work as the middleman to assist the local church as they do all they can to support their missionary. ABMI is a ministry and a labor of love and accepts no fees nor commissions for the services we provide. The missionary receives 100% of all support designated for them.
An additional objective is to provide emotional support after the missionary arrives on the field. One way to do this is through personal visits from the Pastor, Missions Director, or other ABMI representatives. During these visits, the missionary's needs are observed and then reported to supporting churches who can then come along side of the missionary in supplying these needs.
Tools are often a commodity we find that we can provide to the missionary which, in turn enables him to better serve his people and give out the Gospel more efficiently. Through the help of God's people, ABMI has been privileged to provide items such as vans, cars, motorcycles, boats, sound systems, and even radio stations. Finances have been raised to buy properties and build churches as well. Through the help of our publishing ministry, we are able to help supply missionaries with scripture portions and tracts as they continue to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ in their field.
COPIED FROM: Anchor Baptist Missions International (abminternational.org)
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